
Monday, September 24

Product Love: Hanger Hamper

I actually fold laundry in my bedroom, partially because the TV is in there, but mostly because I have not yet learned to tame the beast that is my family's laundry and often need a place to leave it until it can be folded. Thus the need for hangers nearby my bed/folding station.
This is how I stored my hangers before (brace yourself). >>>

That scary scary old broken basket ended up in my room because I needed a place for the kids to toss their unused hangers (thus keeping their closets tidier and eliminating the masses of mangled hangers from evading the corners of their rooms). 

I was absolutely over the moon when I found this Hanger Hamper from The Container Store online! I no longer have to wrestle with each hanger just to get it out of the basket. And I can easily swap the empty hanger hamper for a full one from the kids rooms when folding! FYI there are many different  hanger storage types at The Container Store, this one just happened to suit my needs perfectly.

Eventually I hope to buy one for each room. For the kiddy sized hangers I simply cut a piece of foam to fit the bottom half snugly, and when the kids grow into larger hangers, I'll just take out the foam!
For $7.99 each, I am definitely experiencing some happy product love here! *blissful sigh* 

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