
Sunday, January 13

Before There Was Pinterest

Remember pinning before there was Pinterest? I do! *chuckle* I have been "pinning" since I was a teen.  I would pour through my meticulously organized magazine clippings over and over... shucks, I have been training to be a Pinterest addict since I was little. I never had a lack of inspiration or dreams! 
What about you, did you create a booklet of all your organization plans, great ideas, and favorite clips? Did you fulfill those dreams and plans?
I have to admit, lately I've been in a bit of a decorating rut. I find myself undecided, without clear direction. What's going on?? Maybe I need to go back to the days of clipping from magazines, and sketching plans or how-to's. Or maybe I just need a little direction... *frustrated sigh*
Then, the other day a post by the very talented Darlene at Fieldstone Hill Design, grabbed my eye: Overcoming decorating paralysis: making your own signature style board. The moment I saw the title, I knew I had to do whatever she instructed, even if it was jump on one foot and pat your head. Much to my delight, Darlene has an entire series on overcoming decorating paralysis! Score!
In this particular post she encourages us to find our signature style using Pinterest pins, then create a board of pins that define us. And here I thought that's what I had been doing all along...turns out, not so much.
This project was great fun! I went back and forth between lots of different pins and styles, but kept finding myself drawn back to the same few pins over and over... finally, a breakthrough! 
What do you think of my board? Don't I have such fiiiine style? *cheeky grin* 

(L-R Pins via:,,,,, No.1248 via

This may sound strange, but incredibly, putting together this little board of 6 photos really enlightened me! I figured out what I "like" versus what I love, what qualifies as my style! Tomorrow I'm getting back to my decorating plans with renewed vigor, inspiration, and bravery. Yep, this house will continue to get the makeover of a lifetime! The extra benefit? Motivation to not only pin good ideas, but put them into practice! I'm not sure why it worked, but I feel newly inspired. Thank you Darlene!

If you haven't yet discovered Pinterest (and I'm pretty sure I was the last person left to discover it), head on over and check it out. You will find more creative solutions than you can imagine! Don't forget to follow my blog board on Pinterest...I'm just getting started promoting my blog, and I can't do it without you! Thanks for all your support! 


  1. You are so funny!! I was jumping up and down at your comment, "I figured out what I "like" versus what I love, what qualifies as my style." YES YES YES! I love helping women discover this. You made me smile HUGE.

    1. Thanks Darlene! Well, now we are both smiling huge... I can't wait to share with readers all the projects I accomplished, driven by inspiration from your series!

      OH!!! I almost forgot!
      To EVERYONE: Darlene has created a Pin board for signature style boards... you have to go check it out @! I can't wait to see mine up there, and see how others have been inspired! Happy Pinning!


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