
Thursday, April 11

The Orderly Blogger

Jen, from IHeart Organizing has given bloggers some fantastic tips and important information to keep in mind when blogging. If you haven't checked out the interview, well it is a must! Click here to get all caught up.
This post is definitely for all the bloggers out there... but I would love it if all the readers who don't blog would contribute their tips in the comments below. We want to know what you look for and love in a blog!

In the time I have been blogging, I have learned that good consistent blogging is no small task! It requires dedicated time, effort, and a substantial amount of organization to produce creative and interesting material! Then on top of that, if you are a diy blogger sharing the how-to’s behind organization, diy, and decor as I do, then you have to stay on top of creative projects in your own home...enough to post quality pieces on a regular basis which is no small task!
One of the first things I did once I began blogging is create a method to keep my ideas organized. My blog organizer uses post-its I have jotted ideas on and I move through 3 categories to completion. I shared the printables for my blog post organizer here, and today I have released a new page to add to it... a "Year-at-a-Glance" page! After all, it is equally important to plan methods of increasing your readership as writing posts. Whether you plan link parties, themed topics, advertising methods, design improvements, etc. it takes organized planning.  

Today I'm rounding up valuable tips to help make your blog its best!  I'm  listing my favorite submission sites such as the fantastic Looksi, as well as blogger tips, blog printables, and more... And I need your help! Submit your own blogger tips, or a favorite blogger resource site to help those less experienced bloggers. Plus you might learn a thing or two yourself! *wink* Grab a feature button, and get linking!

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Blog Organization

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Blog Submission Sites & Advertising


  1. You rocked this compilation Ursula. I'm keeping this resource close by for safe keeping.

    1. Thank you Desiree! But I can't take credit for all of it...*wink*, lots of great people are linking up their best blogging tips and resources!

  2. Nice Information! I personally really appreciate your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again!. share tips


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