
Friday, October 4

Pinspired Projects- Bathroom Spaces

I confess, I should have gotten the bathroom organized (at the very least) a long time ago. I have been waffling about the style and how to accomplish these conflicted ideas I have in my head. Well, its time. No more waffling. 

{ Source: Emily Jenkins Followill }
I love the dark walls and the style of a round mirror, but I always wonder how practical a round mirror is. Can you see enough? I suppose the purpose is to see your face, not the entire upper half of your body!

{ Source: Farmhouse 38 }
Dark with hits of a bright color to make the room pop! I love the idea of picking a contrasting color.

It only makes sense that a shower curtain (much like drapes) should open to either side. I love the style it offers, and the practical function! 

This bathroom is brilliant! Did you see those floors?!! Tile with variation and a little sparkle, plus wallpaper with sparkle! 

{ Source: Pinterest Pin }

I could not find the original source for this pin, but you can find it in my Pinterest boards via the provided link. 

Ok, I'm starting to see a theme here...clearly I have a thing for dark hues. I'm going to have to do one of my bathrooms with a very dark striking navy hue or even a charcoal! I think it is the contrast that draws me.

Wow, wow WOW! I adore gallery walls. I was afraid it would be too strange when I put one in my coat closet, and now I see someone has embraced the unexpected and put one in their bathroom space, and it couldn't be lovelier!

I just love the feel of this bathroom! It has personality, and diversity! The green of that vanity is sublime!

If all of our personal products were bottled beautifully (straight from the store) I wouldn't have to hide them! *grin*  

Ok, I'm ready! I'm not sure where all this inspiration will lead me...but I think I'll start with a wall color I like in my bathroom, and just run from there. As I go, I'll strive to incorporate all the elements I love from these inspiration sources. Well, wish me luck in my bathroom endeavors, and I'll keep you posted! *wink*
See all the beautiful and inspiration bathroom pics I've pinned directly via my Pinterest board.

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