
Saturday, May 31

May's Highlights & Happenings

Wow, May really flew by... I guess that's what happens when you have too many things going on in a single month, plus all those DIY projects I've been dreaming up. Now that summer is FINALLY here, this homeschooling mama is on break! Can you hear the rejoicing and jubilation in my words? That means more time for projects, which is a good thing because (and I'm really excited about this and couldn't wait to share) I'm going to be a contributor at Remodelaholic!! Say what?!! 
It is very fitting don't you think? Seeing that I'm a non-recovering remodel-aholic myself... *wink* I painted my dining room last year, and I'm very ready to do it again. I've been forcing myself not to re-paint (or tear out walls) until I've enjoyed the previous work at least two years, but I can't say I'll win that battle.  See what I mean? A die-hard remodel-aholic! Look out for my first article for Remodelaholic at the end of the month. 

I've had the privilege of working with some pretty awesome peeps & sites, and my latest obsession is no exception.
I have joined up with Whimsey Box as an influencer, and 
I think you'll really like the new feature it adds to a few of my blog posts. Many of you want to know where to find the materials in my tutorials, well now you have the option to shop the materials from my post. I add a product link that leads you to the item via Whimsey Box or Amazon. So this is what you'll see every once in a while at the end of some posts...and if you like it, I'll do it more frequently.

This will hopefully makes it easier for you to find (or at least to look up the details of) the product before you make a run to your local store, and I also get a few cents when you purchase through my material links. So thank you in advance! *chuckle* I know my husband would appreciate me trying to supporting my chronic crafting & decorating addiction. Feel free to pop over to Whimsey Box, you'll be able to follow many fantastic projects, and don't forget to check out my profile page and follow along!

Besides surfing awesome websites, I have been working on my living room makeover, which I recently shared has been a bit of a challenge to complete (see the progress report here). 

I have another hundred projects to complete for my living room, but I thought it was time to take a little break from that space and cleanse my palette. So I'm going to pop over to my laundry room and do a few updates throughout the month of June.
Remember what it looked like before? Well it is time to revisit that space and make it sparkle! 
I hope your May was as beautiful and blooming with possibilities as mine... now on to summer!! 

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