
Monday, June 30

June's Highlights and Happenings

Last week my camera and I enjoyed taking photos in nature rather than indoors for a change. My family and I went on a weekend away with our church for a camping trip! The hubby and girls spent most of the weekend playing with fire, and looked at me like I was the strange one for taking tons of pictures of flowers. We had a good time, and I now have a few new prints for my walls.

Haven Bound
In less than two weeks I'll be on my way to my first ever blog conference!! Aaaaaahhhh, I can't wait! Sadly I can only stay the first two days, so any fellow bloggers planning to be at the Haven Conference in Atlanta, be sure to catch me on Thursday afternoon and Friday. I'm not sure how I'm going to cram in all the gab sessions, meet & greets, and wide eye'd star-struck drooling I'm planning on...but where there's a will there's a way! *grin* 
I'll try and fill ya'all in on my adventure when I get back. In the meantime, want a little hint at what my business cards look like? I've cooked up a little something-something besides your typical business card. Ok, just the teeniest of peeks... if you really want to see it, you'll have to wait until I get back (or hunt me down at Haven and get one of your own!). *wink*

In Case You Missed It...
This past month I finally updated my Laundry room! I've shared everything but what the insides of my cabinets look like...but no worries, that will come soon enough. In the meantime, here are all the laundry room related posts that occurred this month, just in case you missed it. 

Next Month's Makeover
The halls through one's home may not seem like a particularly important space...but it is the halls that connect our beautiful rooms, so why ignore them as spaces? This month I'll be sharing how I updated the hallways and part of the entry in my home.
I hate to leave you with this hideous picture, but at least now you'll know just how desperately these halls needed a makeover.

Upcoming Series
I'm introducing a new mini-series on the blog for the month of July and August. Etsy Love! Yes, I've been bitten by the Etsy bug, and I'm eager to share the beautiful finds I've stumbled upon! Every Thursday for the next 8 weeks I'll be featuring a shop that has captured my heart. And hoo boy have I got some great news for you... there will be a great big giveaway at the end of the series compliments of some of the featured shops! Be sure to follow along, you just might discover your new favorite home good. ;)
Have a lovely July! I hope it is filled with beauty, brightness, and lots of fireworks! ;) 

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