
Friday, March 28

Dressing Table Turn TV Console

This dressing table was a family hand-me-down that I was grateful to receive but couldn't figure out how to use. It didn't fit in my tiny "master" bedroom, and I don't have a real office space... Turns out it was the only thing strong enough to hold up our TV, so a TV console it is. Ay, I wish we had a wall mounted TV...

Make Me Over...Pretty Please
This poor thing has been crying out for a makeover for years. I'm incredibly happy with the results of the paint job I shared with you yesterday. I used Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan, which makes painting a breeze, and enabled me to completed this entire project in one afternoon. If you missed it, read the details here

I want to give a special shout out to the lovely ladies of the charming Metheny Weir shop who helped me out when I originally ordered the wrong color. Woops! This Chalk Paint® in old white  is perfect!

The other half of the makeover story... 
I always think of hardware as the icing on the cake, the jewels that complete the outfit, the cherry on top... However the reality is that I usually plan my piece around the hardware. I have kept an eye out for hardware with a sleek streamlined design in a golden hue. Alas, sleek gold I could not least not for less than $18 a piece, and the hardware I drooled over cost upwards of $30 a piece!! Mama Mia! My pocketbook trembles at the very thought. 

However I found these fantastic pulls at Lowes:

Lately I've had quite the spray painting trigger finger, and I thought perhaps I could paint the hardware gold...dare I? I Googled it and lo' and behold a favorite read of mine Little Green Notebook had already ventured on this bold ground! Woop! Per Jenny's instructions I started with Rust-oleum's clean metal primer, then I opted for Rust-oleum bright metallic gold. Finally I finished with Minwax fast drying polyurethane...which I would have never thought of on my own accord. Thank you Jenny!

While my hardware is drying, it's time for a little bit of minor "reconstruction" on this dresser facelift. Here is the plan...

Did you catch all of that? *grin*  Nice and simple...I'm taking the end piece/legs off of the extension part and reattaching them to the base piece. Shortening this piece will make it is less clunky and awkward looking. It really was a simple task and required only a screwdriver and small crowbar.
Next I am attaching the end piece/legs via a wooden strip screwed into both pieces, and some wood glue.

Wood filler took care of the space left by removal. I sanded and painted over the gap.

The Grand Finale
Once the wood filler dried, and my paint job was complete I was left with a piece I could love as the center of my living room. As functional as it is pretty, my new old dresser console has loads of storage as well as desk space! In my book that makes it perfect. I'm so thankful for this hand-me-down...and the sugar that turned lemons into lemonade! *smile*


  1. Your dressing table/TV console is beautiful! The hardware makes all the difference. I like that you left the top the natural wood. You are so talented, Ursula.

  2. This turned out great! does it leave brush marks? I haven't really ventured into chalk paint yet but am also considering it given this winter in the Northeast (that is never going to end) LOL

    1. Thank you Erica,
      It does have faint brush marks, but using fine sand paper and a light sanding takes care of it. It is much easier to get a smooth finish than using regular paint.

  3. Anonymous31.7.14

    What a great idea! This turned out beautifully.


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