
Monday, March 31

March Highlights & Happenings

The Northeast is FINALLY thawing out (insert overly dramatic swooning)!! To say that I'm relieved would be a gross understatement. I hadn't been able to tackle any projects that require outdoor ventilation for 3 months...that is a lifetime in DIY years. A lifetime.
That isn't even the worst part. All my paint froze, and by the time I realized that I needed to move them from the garage to the basement it was too late. That is 3 brand new gallons of paint, 12 leftovers for touch-ups, and 2 stains unsalvagably ruined. I'm not crying, I was just peeling onions...oh who am I kidding...

In spite of my longing for warmer weather, winter is very pretty out here. You've never seen the exterior of my home, so let me give you a brief winter tour.

Welcome to my home... 

The road I live on.

My backyard deck and picnic area.
One of these days I'll be able to show you what my home looks like under all that snow. Come on spring!

Living Room Progress & March Projects
I've finished three major pieces in this living room, two bookcase+base, and an update to my previously hideous TV console

I've also completed a myriad of little projects (lest you think I've accomplished nothing the past two months *grin*). I've promised the details of many more mini projects this coming month. 

Creating With The Stars
Well, I entered my DIY Bookcase & Styling post in hopes of making into the Creating With The Stars competition. I was the 10th person to link up a project... a few hundred incredible bloggers later I knew I didn't have a dream of making it! *chuckle*  I submitted what I had, but there were some jaw droppingly awesome projects by fantastic bloggers! I am however following along to see what creative things are dreamed up, and linking along. 

That's all for now, have a beautiful sunshine-filled April!

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