
Friday, September 27

Coat Closet Reveal

These days it seems everyone is turning their coat closets into mudrooms and reading nooks. I love the idea, but I couldn't practically give up my closet space. What I could give it was new life with lots of pretty and practical solutions.

Beastly Before
Oh mercy, I'm loath to remind you of the before photos. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, don't be scared. *wry grin* It's pretty awful, and I'm truly ashamed to say that these before pictures occurred while I live here...these aren't from the previous owner. It always amazes me how quickly a little space can become a disaster... one little person searches for "the other glove", and in one minute flat it looks like a tornado hit. I would open the coat closet door, sigh in frustration, and quickly shut the door behind. I tried hanging sweater organizers and rolling bins, but to no avail. I am so relieved to finally be able to open the closet door and not have an anxiety attack. *lol*

The Completed Closet
l want every space in my house to be pleasing to the eye, even if it spends lots of time behind closed doors. And why shouldn't my coat closet be attractive as well as have optimum function?
I hope you enjoy the tour of my completed coat closet!

My favorite part of the closet are these cubby-like DIY flipped shelves. They were easy to make, but more importantly they allow us to get out the door just that much faster.

When designing this closet layout, I wanted it all... hangers for hanging, hooks for hanging, lots of shelf space, you name it! I was determined to have a high functioning coat closet!

Are you one of those people who is constantly misplacing their keys? Yeah, so am I. Creating a dedicated space to keep my miscellaneous keys made life just that much simpler. Small empty frames turn Key Organizer is a great afternoon project you and your spouse will be glad for in the long run.

I recognize that art in a closet is not typical. My philosophy is every space deserves a touch of something pretty, and hanging art on the upper walls of the closet adds the unexpected.

Lest you think this closet is just another pretty face, it is chock full of practical storage solutions! I really enjoyed finally organizing this space.

Thanks for touring my closet space! I am loving it, and it is loving me.

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  1. What a nice closet Ursula! This is fabulous. Good work!

  2. beautiful, just stunning and well organised... I've got to do this!


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