Last Little Bit Of Harvest
Well, if cold weather wasn't official before, it is now! Not only have the leaves turned gorgeous yellows and reds, but sunny days here in Northeast Ohio have had quite a nip to them. I rescued the last of my garden harvest before turning it over for my winter crops. I picked the last of my peppers, summer lettuce, and tomatoes right before the first snow hit! Can you believe it? It iced everything over before I realized it was expected. I'm getting ready to cover my raised deck beds with the tarp cover, mulch and cover my container garden for the winter.
I have been thinking about planting some bok choy, and a few other cold weather crops... it will be a first for me, so I'll have to do a bit of reading up! Do you winter sow? What are your favorite winter crops?
I've been getting a lot of emails asking for advice on organizing and DIY, so I thought I'd share a few of those Q & A's with you, perhaps it will answer a question you have.
On a side note, you have all been so lovely and supportive in your comments and emails! You have encouraged me, and brought a smile to my face during the tough times! I just wanted to let you know.
Q. "I want to be organized and tidy, but I don't know where to start! I feel overwhelmed every time I look around my house. Help!"
A. Oh honey, I feel your pain! I have not yet "arrived" (whatever that is!), and I have often felt that way in the past. Rather than looking at the whole mess, and trying to tackle it all at once, take it one bite size at a time. I move through my house small space, by small space, and I don't organize a new space until I have figured out what works for me and the kids to keep it comfortably tidy (maybe not perfect, just tidy). Start with that one thing that makes you tick most. Maybe you sigh when the kids drop their coats on the floor by the front door after school and you hate that the pizza guy see's a messy entry. Buy a coat rack, tell the kids "we are no longer throwing coats on the floor, it goes on the rack", remind/practice/enforce/reward consistently until it becomes a habit for all. Then move to the next thing that makes you tick!
Q. "It seems like all these bloggers have a husbands to build stuff for them...I noticed you seem to build things yourself. I'm a single mom and I want a lovely home too! Is it even possible to DIY alone?"
A. Absolutely! I'm sure it is wonderful to have second pair of hands to help, but not everyone has that luxury. My darling husband is not in the least bit handy, so I opt to go it alone. It just means you have to be a little more creative about how you accomplish projects... I suggest good set of clamps. Oh, and if you ever feel like you're missing out, just remember that you don't have any unwanted input, you get to make all the design decisions yourself! *grin*
Q. "I think I am ready for the big step [organizing]. The only concern I have is: will I still be able to live freely? ...I'm a bit afraid to live in a museum and to be too stiff".
A. I am messy by nature. It is the reason I have to organize my spaces so carefully... I try to put things in such a way that it is easy for me to keep it that way. So no, I don't think organizing should make your life stiff, if anything it should make you more free, and happier with the outcome. If one way makes life difficult, try a different way that works with how you operate.
The Ongoing Projects
My bathroom projects are spilling over into the month of November, but that is because I'm determined to hit two bathrooms with one stone (or splash of paint). The powder room is pretty straight forward, but the real task is the girls bathroom. Here are a few projects I have already accomplished to that end...
click here to read more

Add a little sparkle with DIY decorative painted bowls!
The plan is to finish the bathrooms before the holiday rush, so look forward to some reveals in November!
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